Eclipse Kısayol Tuşları

Android için veya java için uygulama geliştiriken kullanmış olduğumuz ide’lerden biri olan Eclipse kısayol tuşlarını bu dersimizde Görmüş olacağız.

1. Dosya Yönetimi ve Projeler
Ctrl+NYeni proje sihirbazı açmak için kullanılır
Ctrl+Alt+nYeni proje, sınıf(class), v.b. diğer formatta dosyalar oluşturmak için kullanılır
Alt+f sonra .Proje, dosya, v.b. desteklenen dosya formatlarını eclipse’de açmak için kullanılır
Ctrl+Shift+rProje içerisindeki (dosya, klasör veya proje)’lere ulaşmak için kullanılır
Alt+EnterDosya erişim ve ayarları için kullanılır
Ctrl+sGeçerli dökümanı kaydetme
Ctrl+Shift+sTüm dökümanları kaydetme
Ctrl+wGeçerli dökümanı kaptma
Ctrl+Shift+wTüm dökümanları kapatma
F5Refresh content of selected element with local file system
minus2. Editor Window
Focus/ cursor must be in Editor Window for these to work.
F12Jump to Editor Window
Ctrl+Page Down/Ctrl+Page UpSwitch to next editor / switch to previous editor
Ctrl+mMaximize or un-maximize current Editor Window (also works for other Windows)
Ctrl+eShow list of open Editors. Use arrow keys and enter to switch
Ctrl+F6/Ctrl+Shift+F6Show list of open Editors. Similar to ctrl+e but switches immediately upon release ofctrl
Alt+Arrow Left/Alt+Arrow RightGo to previous / go to next Editor Window
Alt+Open Editor Window Option menu
Ctrl+F10Show view menu (features available on left vertical bar: breakpoints, bookmarks, line numbers, …)
Ctrl+F10, then nShow or hide line numbers
Ctrl+Shift+qShow or hide the diff column on the left (indicates changes since last save)
minus3. Navigate in Editor
Home/EndJump to beginning / jump to end of indention. Press home twice to jump to beginning of line
Ctrl+Home/EndJump to beginning / jump to end of source
Ctrl+Arrow Right/Arrow LeftJump one word to the left / one word to the right
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Down/Arrow UpJump to previous / jump to next method
Ctrl+lJump to Line Number. To hide/show line numbers, press ctrl+F10 and select ‘Show Line Numbers’
Ctrl+qJump to last location edited
Ctrl+./Ctrl+,Jump to next / jump to previous compiler syntax warning or error
Ctrl+Shift+pWith a bracket selected: jump to the matching closing or opening bracket
Ctrl+[+]/Ctrl+ on numeric keyboardCollapse / Expand current method or class
Ctrl+[/]/Ctrl+* on numeric keyboardCollapse / Expand all methods or classes
Ctrl+Arrow Down/Ctrl+Arrow UpScroll Editor without changing cursor position
minus4. Select Text
Shift+Arrow Right/Arrow LeftExpand selection by one character to the left / to the right
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Right/Arrow LeftExpand selection to next / previous word
Shift+Arrow Down/Arrow UpExpand selection by one line down / one line up
Shift+End/HomeExpand selection to end / to beginning of line
Ctrl+aSelect all
Alt+Shift+Arrow UpExpand selection to current element (e.g. current one-line expression or content within brackets)
Alt+Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow RightExpand selection to next / previous element
Alt+Shift+Arrow DownReduce previously expanded selection by one step
minus5. Edit Text
Ctrl+c/Ctrl+x/Ctrl+vCut, copy and paste
Ctrl+zUndo last action
Ctrl+yRedo last (undone) action
Ctrl+dDelete Line
Alt+Arrow Up/Arrow DownMove current line or selection up or down
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Up /Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Down /Duplicate current line or selection up or down
Ctrl+DeleteDelete next word
Ctrl+BackspaceDelete previous word
Shift+EnterEnter line below current line
Shift+Ctrl+EnterEnter line above current line
InsertSwitch between insert and overwrite mode
Shift+Ctrl+yChange selection to all lower case
Shift+Ctrl+xChange selection to all upper case
minus6. Search and Replace
Ctrl+fOpen find and replace dialog
Ctrl+k/Ctrl+Shift+kFind previous / find next occurrence of search term (close find window first)
Ctrl+hSearch Workspace (Java Search, Task Search, and File Search)
Ctrl+j/Ctrl+Shift+jIncremental search forward / backwards. Type search term after pressing ctrl+j, there is now search window
Ctrl + Shift + oAltı kırmızı renkle çizilmiş importa eklenmesi gereken sınıfları kısayol tuşuyla ekleyebilirsiniz.
minus7. Indentions and Comments
Tab/Shift+TabIncrease / decrease indent of selected text
Ctrl+iCorrect indention of selected text or of current line
Ctrl+shift+fAutoformat all code in Editor using code formatter
Ctrl+/Comment / uncomment line or selection ( adds ‘//’ )
Ctrl+Shift+/Add Block Comment around selection ( adds ‘/… */’ )
Ctrl+Shift+Remove Block Comment
Alt+Shift+jAdd Element Comment ( adds ‘/** … */’)
minus8. Editing Source Code
Ctrl+SpaceOpens Content Assist (e.g. show available methods or field names)
Ctrl+1Open Quick Fix and Quick Assist
Alt+/Propose word completion (after typing at least one letter). Repeatedly press alt+/until reaching correct name
Ctrl+Shift+InsertDeactivate or activate Smart Insert Mode (automatic indention, automatic brackets, etc.)
minus9. Code Information
Ctrl+oShow code outline / structure
F2Open class, method, or variable information (tooltip text)
F3Open Declaration: Jump to Declaration of selected class, method, or parameter
F4Open Type Hierarchy window for selected item
Ctrl+tShow / open Quick Type Hierarchy for selected item
Ctrl+Shift+tOpen Type in Hierarchy
Ctrl+Alt+hOpen Call Hierarchy
Ctrl+uFind occurrences of expression in current file
Ctrl+move over methodOpen Declaration or Implementation
minus10. Refactoring
Alt+Shift+rRename selected element and all references
Alt+Shift+vMove selected element to other class or file (With complete method or class selected)
Ctrl+Shift+cChange method signature (with method name selected)
Alt+Shift+mExtract selection to method
Alt+Shift+lExtract local variable: Create and assigns a variable from a selected expression
Alt+Shift+iInline selected local variables, methods, or constants if possible (replaces variable with its declarations/ assignment and puts it directly into the statements)
minus11. Run and Debug
Ctrl+F11Save and launch application (run)
F5Step Into function
F6Next step (line by line)
F7Step out
F8Skip to next Breakpoint
minus12. The Rest
Ctrl+F7/Ctrl+Shift+F7Switch forward / backward between views (panels). Useful for switching back and forth between Package Explorer and Editor.
Ctrl+F8/Ctrl+Shift+F8Switch forward / backward between perspectives
F1Open Eclipse Help
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